Need specific help with an upcoming deployment, current custody issue, visitation, or discipline struggle? This is where step parents and spouses find FREE help for those and many other military unique stressors!
Need help understanding and ministering to the unique needs of military stepfamilies? This is where you go for FREE Bible based resources and information on our live events and small group curriculum.
Need help with a family symposium, pre-deployment training, or a yellow ribbon type event? This is where you go for non-faith based help with pre-deployment, deployment, reintegration, and live event help.
The Military Ready Stepfamily seminar
Laura Petherbridge
speaker and author The Smart Stepmom (co-authored with Ron Deal), 101 Tips for The Smart Stepmom, Quiet Moments for the Stepmom Soul, Seeking a Silent Night-Unwrapping a Stepfamily Christmas, When I Do Becomes I Don’t- Practical Help During Separation & Divorce
"Did you know that there are a lot of military families that are a stepfamily? And they need help from someone who understands the unique complexities that military stepfamilies encounter. is a phenomenal resource that provides teaching, encouragement, resources and insight for those who desire prepare for—or strengthen—their stepfamily. I highly recommend their speaking events, resources, training, and in depth instruction for chaplains and the stepfamily itself, that is specifically tailored for today’s military stepfamilies. "
Ron Deal
stepfamily expert and bestselling author of The Smart Stepfamily and the Smart Stepfamily Series; Director, FamilyLife Blended
Military stepfamilies have unique challenges that can defeat their family goals. is uniquely prepared to offer support and encouragement to couples and training to the chaplains who care for them. I highly recommend this resource.
Gill & Brenda Stuart
remarriage experts and authors of Restored and Remarried
The Military Ready Stepfamily, led by Todd and Tammy Gangl is an amazing resource. There are already a lot of moving parts with a civilian stepfamily, then add the layer of the military...whew! The Gangls share their first hand experience and the realities of being in the Military and in a stepfamily. Navigating these sometimes rough waters can be a challenge, but the Gangls will provide tools and hope!
From the time I graduated basic training in San Antonio, Texas, I loved being a part of the military! In 1986 the military was thriving under our Commander and Chief Ronald Reagan and I was glad to be a part of the U.S. Air Force! As an enlisted service member I took on the challenge of repairing automatic flight control systems on C-130H aircraft and got to see some different parts of the world including Panama, Central America, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates for Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm. My career goal however was to become a chaplain in the Air Force which I completed in 1994 with my commissioning. As much as I loved being enlisted, I loved being a chaplain even more...........